domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009

Final Session. !!

In two weeks will end the semester and with it the academic year 2009. But also finish the first leg of the trip that launched seven years ago. Will I get my degree in education and will spend a year closer to becoming a professional education.

In the following lines I would like to review what has been done and the experiences during this year. The strengths and weaknesses that were part of it. The dreams that grew, people would take me in memory and those without. And my position on the future work that I presented in the coming years.

The first term began with unlike the certainty that would be the last and the first day I decided to attend all classes to take full advantage of University's final moments.

The year began very stressful. On the one hand should focus my attention at the Seminar of grade and the other concerns of all other courses offered this year, some of them were: Mathematics II, Education Teaching, Teaching Ethics and professionalism, educational evaluation, professional practice, to name the more demanding.

I am trying to perform at maximum with the courses of study and the seminar, I had to dose my time to work, to share with my family and my boyfriend. However, the body and mind have resisted and began the second half with the same desire as the first, but with more stress, more homework and less time.

This year I feel I put everything in my power to fulfill the main objective of the seminar of grade, and today, a week of delivery for review, I am proud of the investigation.

Always I will remember my working group. My Friends: Dany, Greys, Javi, Amanda, became the great support during my journey.

Of my teachers will keep a special fondness my teacher guide: María Eugenia Parra Sabaj, for her confidence in our capabilities and her generous assistance at any time, anywhere.
In the bad memories will be teachers who have not reached the level I waited for this University.

Finally I would describe this year 2009 as a year of growth, learning from painful experiences, efforts, that feeling of believing that you can not achieve, and even better the feeling that despite everything you got.

For four years I have given the tools to feel safe on practicing my profession, but I'm afraid and certainly is normal, so I'm calm, because trust me, in what I got during this time and I feel fully capable of achieve my dreams.

A hug for everyone and success in each of the steps that follow.