sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009


For my Transantiago it has been an advance for the way of Chilean transport. Before the yellow buses were like like all they say a bit more rapid, but all the buses were destroyed, striped seats or doors in poor condition.

The new buses, in my opinion they are better than after, have more aptitude to transport the persons, are aesthetically agreeable, and the most important thing is that the persons who lead them to the end have had the opportunity to improve his labour condition. They have a uniform, a fixed salary and there work the shifts that the law estimates.

In my case, I must use every day the new system of transport, and cross every santiago in it. I must say that the comfort is not the best, but the service to improved very much from when it began, good frequency of the buses, locomotion the whole night and drivers who respect the students.

The truth, I believe that the problem of the Transantiago they are the users, who have not could value the change, to see in the improvements and to take care what we have. Some persons do not cancel yours passages and it does an evil to the rest of the users.

The people should learn to take care of the goods, and to working as a whole for the progress of the society.

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009


When I was a little girl, my father to listened songs of Sabina, Aute and Serrat, and I usually imagined me the places that they described in this music. When I grow I followed listened the same music, and I always had the desire to visit that country, Spain.

If I could travel to Spain, I would like to visit the big most city of this country, Madrid, because there live my favorite troubadour, he is Ismael Serrano, and I would go home for say to hello besides invite him to have a coffee. I hope he say yes!

I like so much the Spain films, and I could try to know Pedro Almodovar. Well After visiting these people traverse the country, go to Barcelona to visit the temple architecture of "La Sagrada Familia" of Gaudí.

After that, back to Madrid to reach by subway to the district of Chueca and make many friends there.

And finally go to the Bernabeu and would coach the team "Real Madrid" and may be able to meet Cristiano Ronaldo jejeje.

If I stay in Spain look for a job as an educator of children, with the best scholars of that country. Is my dream, I've always wanted with it.

See ya!.


The experience in the first term of 2009 was positive in general, because I past all courses with a good grades in the University also I knew many people important for my life and I could overcome my problems.

In relation to University I can tell you that my favorite course was “Conocimiento Matemático” because was a enjoy course and the unit worked was very important for my practice. Also in the past term I train soccer in the University and was very entertainment, because sometimes we played games with other teams, then was a good moment for distraction.

With regards my family, everything was normal, because my parents were working and my brother was studying, nothing important happened.

The look of love I met a nice person with whom I had a relationship for some months, but things did not go as we wanted and ended.

Another important thing that happened was that I had the opportunity to go to the concert of my favorite artist. I enjoyed that moment too, wept with emotion and fuy very happy. Never forget that day.

In general the first term, was quiet and very rewarding for me, I learned a lot in the University and the people I met.

I'll remember, and hoped that it has begun to be much better.

See ya.!