sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009


The experience in the first term of 2009 was positive in general, because I past all courses with a good grades in the University also I knew many people important for my life and I could overcome my problems.

In relation to University I can tell you that my favorite course was “Conocimiento Matemático” because was a enjoy course and the unit worked was very important for my practice. Also in the past term I train soccer in the University and was very entertainment, because sometimes we played games with other teams, then was a good moment for distraction.

With regards my family, everything was normal, because my parents were working and my brother was studying, nothing important happened.

The look of love I met a nice person with whom I had a relationship for some months, but things did not go as we wanted and ended.

Another important thing that happened was that I had the opportunity to go to the concert of my favorite artist. I enjoyed that moment too, wept with emotion and fuy very happy. Never forget that day.

In general the first term, was quiet and very rewarding for me, I learned a lot in the University and the people I met.

I'll remember, and hoped that it has begun to be much better.

See ya.!