sábado, 3 de octubre de 2009

Post 5. //Santiago City. ..

I might not say that I know totally the city of Santiago, but I like not to do it, this way I can be still being surprised whenever I cross it.

I was born here 24 years ago, and I have not been far for any more than one month. I am charmed with this city, everything what I like is here, I learned to live with his noise, with the enormous quantity of people and with the traffic.

I will try to tell them what I know and what it would recommend to visit of this beautiful city in which I live... If you come to Santiago you start visiting the popular sectors, one of them is A Villa France, where you will be able to see murals identical with the walls with political slogans between humble houses.

When you have known these sectors and spoken with the people, raise you to the subway of the city and cross under the land the different stations, you will see interesting groups of people depending on the station in which you are.

To continue salt to the surface and you can crosse the Avenue, comes up to the Mint and walk along the Morandé street, tries to imagine last days of the bloody facts that they marked this country, and shouts strongly that "Allende Vive".

Later you rest a bit in the " Fountain of the Bicentenary ", observes the water with lights of colors and fall in love with some pretty girl.

Finally do not stop visiting " The Metropolitan Park ", you raise even the high thing, visiting the " Japanese Garden ", walking along the hillsides, enjoying the most green lung of Santiago and the only place full of peace that it still has. You raise even high place, looks at your feet the city … and remember the way of return, because " Always we will still have Santiago ". ..