domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009

Final Session. !!

In two weeks will end the semester and with it the academic year 2009. But also finish the first leg of the trip that launched seven years ago. Will I get my degree in education and will spend a year closer to becoming a professional education.

In the following lines I would like to review what has been done and the experiences during this year. The strengths and weaknesses that were part of it. The dreams that grew, people would take me in memory and those without. And my position on the future work that I presented in the coming years.

The first term began with unlike the certainty that would be the last and the first day I decided to attend all classes to take full advantage of University's final moments.

The year began very stressful. On the one hand should focus my attention at the Seminar of grade and the other concerns of all other courses offered this year, some of them were: Mathematics II, Education Teaching, Teaching Ethics and professionalism, educational evaluation, professional practice, to name the more demanding.

I am trying to perform at maximum with the courses of study and the seminar, I had to dose my time to work, to share with my family and my boyfriend. However, the body and mind have resisted and began the second half with the same desire as the first, but with more stress, more homework and less time.

This year I feel I put everything in my power to fulfill the main objective of the seminar of grade, and today, a week of delivery for review, I am proud of the investigation.

Always I will remember my working group. My Friends: Dany, Greys, Javi, Amanda, became the great support during my journey.

Of my teachers will keep a special fondness my teacher guide: María Eugenia Parra Sabaj, for her confidence in our capabilities and her generous assistance at any time, anywhere.
In the bad memories will be teachers who have not reached the level I waited for this University.

Finally I would describe this year 2009 as a year of growth, learning from painful experiences, efforts, that feeling of believing that you can not achieve, and even better the feeling that despite everything you got.

For four years I have given the tools to feel safe on practicing my profession, but I'm afraid and certainly is normal, so I'm calm, because trust me, in what I got during this time and I feel fully capable of achieve my dreams.

A hug for everyone and success in each of the steps that follow.

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

Post 8: The Sound of Music

This week I talk about my favorite music. The kind of music that like me is the Spanish music, because I like understand that I hear it. Well I would say who my favorite singer is and talk about his music. He is Ismael Serrano, he is Spanish singer and a troubadour. He is a composer, singer and a poet for me.

My favorite sing of this singer is “Amores Imposibles”, this is about three histories of different persons. The first is about a homosexual man, he has a family, a wife, but he don`t happy because he can´t live his sexually as he want. The second part is about a man in love of a prostitute, every day he goes at the bar and he looks at this woman wonderful but impossible to have. And the final of this sing is about a woman and men that they have in love, but their parents don´t let are together.

Other singers that I like me are Joaquin Sabina, Luis Eduardo Aute, Silvio Rodriguez, Pablo Milanés, among others.

Also I like other kind of music, very different of this. I love the Punk Rock Music, my favorite band are “The Sex Pistols”. Sid Vicious was a typical punk of seventies, he was a Rock Star, whit his clothes cracked and his hair disordered. I had a band of rock two years ago, and we sang all songs of “The Sex Pistols”, I miss those moments. But I hope we can soon return to play.

Definitely the music is very important to me. I hear music when I am sad, I’m happy, I`m stressed, I`m in love, I`m angry, and all times. I don´t live without music. The songs disconnect me of my problems and with theirs; I can express feelings through different melodies.
If yours want hear a wonderful music, you must hear a CD of Ismael Serrano, but if yours want release your anger, you have to hear to Sid Vicious in “Sex Pistols”.

See you soon.

sábado, 10 de octubre de 2009

Post 6: Cinema

This week talk about my favorite movies. I love going to movies, go whenever I can and I have money.

The last time I went to the movies, was two months ago with my family and saw "Grado 3", we laughed a lot because the movie was very funny.

I tell about my favorite movies, the truth is that most of them are not released in the cinema, are more classic or art film, so to get them I go to clubs or download videos from the Internet. My favorite is classic film "Casablanca" which tells a romantic story between "Ilsa Lazlo" and "Rick Blaine" during the Second World War, I love the dialogues of the film and the performances are impressive. The soundtrack of the movie is really shocking. The truth I've seen the movie about 10 times and always come back to enchant.

The type of movie is the Spanish and Argentine cinema. I like the quality of his dialogues, by the power of the performances and of course for its actors. Some of those I prefer are. "Báilame el agua," "el lado oscuro del corazón"," Azuloscurocasinegro "among others.

The film really recommend is "El lado oscuro del corazón", I think everyone's life changed a bit seeing that movie. It is about a man fleeing death and seeks a woman who flies to the woman who makes you feel something special, a love greater than any other sensation. Finally he found, however the ending is completely unexpected, must see and will not repent. The dialogues are made based on poems by Mario Benedetti and other poets. A movie to see together or alone, in love or not, a movie to believe again in what seems to make no sense.

sábado, 3 de octubre de 2009

Post 5. //Santiago City. ..

I might not say that I know totally the city of Santiago, but I like not to do it, this way I can be still being surprised whenever I cross it.

I was born here 24 years ago, and I have not been far for any more than one month. I am charmed with this city, everything what I like is here, I learned to live with his noise, with the enormous quantity of people and with the traffic.

I will try to tell them what I know and what it would recommend to visit of this beautiful city in which I live... If you come to Santiago you start visiting the popular sectors, one of them is A Villa France, where you will be able to see murals identical with the walls with political slogans between humble houses.

When you have known these sectors and spoken with the people, raise you to the subway of the city and cross under the land the different stations, you will see interesting groups of people depending on the station in which you are.

To continue salt to the surface and you can crosse the Avenue, comes up to the Mint and walk along the Morandé street, tries to imagine last days of the bloody facts that they marked this country, and shouts strongly that "Allende Vive".

Later you rest a bit in the " Fountain of the Bicentenary ", observes the water with lights of colors and fall in love with some pretty girl.

Finally do not stop visiting " The Metropolitan Park ", you raise even the high thing, visiting the " Japanese Garden ", walking along the hillsides, enjoying the most green lung of Santiago and the only place full of peace that it still has. You raise even high place, looks at your feet the city … and remember the way of return, because " Always we will still have Santiago ". ..

sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009

Post 4. " The L World"

Every Thursday at 10 p.m, I see my favorite serial and then every Sunday I see the repetition of the chapter. The name of this serial is “The L world” and it is transmitted for Warner Channel.
This serial follows the lives and loves of a group of lesbian friends living in Los Angeles. The main character, Jenny, is a recent graduate of the University of Chicago, who moves to Los Angeles to live with her boyfriend Tim and begin a professional writing career. Jenny's life is turned upside down when she attends a party hosted by Tim's next-door neighbors, Bette and Tina, a lesbian couple who are about to take the step into parenthood after being together for seven years. A brief encounter at the party with Marina, the owner of the local coffeehouse, suddenly has Jenny thrust into a whole new world that makes her question her own sexual orientation.

Other friends of Bette and Tina include Dana, a professional tennis player who is shy but eager to meet the right woman, Alice is a magazine writer who has a brief relationship with a self-identified "lesbian" man; and Shane, a hairstylist who can't stick to just one woman, and Kit, Bette's half sister who struggles with alcoholism.

The opening title offers a variety of "L words"
They are: - lunch - laughter - lashes - lure - legs - limber - literary - linger - lattes - life - learn - luxurious - long - looking - lap - Los Angeles - lullaby - labyrinth - lesbian - love - labels - liberty - lotion - lithe - lust - linger - lady - lickable? - libido - letting go - lips - liberal - lace - loft - lovely

Really I love this serial. !!

sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009


For my Transantiago it has been an advance for the way of Chilean transport. Before the yellow buses were like like all they say a bit more rapid, but all the buses were destroyed, striped seats or doors in poor condition.

The new buses, in my opinion they are better than after, have more aptitude to transport the persons, are aesthetically agreeable, and the most important thing is that the persons who lead them to the end have had the opportunity to improve his labour condition. They have a uniform, a fixed salary and there work the shifts that the law estimates.

In my case, I must use every day the new system of transport, and cross every santiago in it. I must say that the comfort is not the best, but the service to improved very much from when it began, good frequency of the buses, locomotion the whole night and drivers who respect the students.

The truth, I believe that the problem of the Transantiago they are the users, who have not could value the change, to see in the improvements and to take care what we have. Some persons do not cancel yours passages and it does an evil to the rest of the users.

The people should learn to take care of the goods, and to working as a whole for the progress of the society.

sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009


When I was a little girl, my father to listened songs of Sabina, Aute and Serrat, and I usually imagined me the places that they described in this music. When I grow I followed listened the same music, and I always had the desire to visit that country, Spain.

If I could travel to Spain, I would like to visit the big most city of this country, Madrid, because there live my favorite troubadour, he is Ismael Serrano, and I would go home for say to hello besides invite him to have a coffee. I hope he say yes!

I like so much the Spain films, and I could try to know Pedro Almodovar. Well After visiting these people traverse the country, go to Barcelona to visit the temple architecture of "La Sagrada Familia" of Gaudí.

After that, back to Madrid to reach by subway to the district of Chueca and make many friends there.

And finally go to the Bernabeu and would coach the team "Real Madrid" and may be able to meet Cristiano Ronaldo jejeje.

If I stay in Spain look for a job as an educator of children, with the best scholars of that country. Is my dream, I've always wanted with it.

See ya!.